Want to make a grand statement in your home? We’re talkin’ GRAND like 50 inches grand! Are you looking for the perfect piece to fill that empty awkward space in your living room or to brighten a dark hallway? Well then our team has found the PERFECT solution for you!
Our Multipanel Arch Mirror was crafted to resemble an old distillery window from the mid 1800’s. By the way did you know the oldest distillery in America is 140 years old? The history of this piece alone will become a major conversation piece in your home!
It’s beautifully crafted medallions and faux window like appearance will add an industrial element that will really tie together any space that is lacking a unique or personal touch. Whether you decide to hang it on the wall or rest it against a mantle we promise this piece will NOT disappoint!
Don’t forget the shipping on this masterpiece is still only $5 making it the ultimate steal!
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